If an error occurs while converting apaleo transactions, an error message or warning will be displayed.
The most common errors while converting apaleo transactions are, that not all required apaleo accounts are mapped and a problem with the night audit.
Night Audit
Apaleo Night Audit posts charges for the past business day. (You can find more in the apaleo documentation.) If no night audit was successfully executed after the last day of the selected period, the application cannot get all apaleo transactions for the period. In this case, you get the following error:
The most common reason for the problem is an error in night audit. If there is only a failed night audit, you'll find the error information in the message. Please contact apaleo and correct the Night Audit.
There could be another problem, If there is only one successful night audit and the night audit was executed the day after the end of the selected period. Here is an example:
- Today is 10.11
- At 4 a.m. a guest comes and books a reservation with “immediate arrival” for one day (until November 11th)
- 2 transactions are created: per 9.11 and per 10.11
- Both bookings will not be processed until the next Night Audit on November 11th
- If you start the import on November 10th for a period up to November 9th, you will not have the bookings from this reservation yet because they will not be processed until the next Night Audit.
- You can also have a look at an example in the apaleo documentation: https://apaleo.zendesk.com/hc/de/articles/360016987819-Sofortige-Anreise-
In this case, you'll get only a warning:
If you don't have such a situation and if you can prevent it organisationally, you can ignore the warning and with the push button "Convert anyway" you can create the import.
Missing accounts
All apaleo accounts that are posted for the selected transactions must be mapped in the “Account mapping config” page. If unmapped accounts are found during import, the app will respond with the following error message:
The accounts that are not mapped are explicitly mentioned in the error message. If you click on the "Details" button, a CSV file will be offered for download. The file contains the transactions for which the accounts are not mapped. When you click on the "Account mapping config" link, the "Account mapping config" page for the named property with the filter "Only used accounts" is automatically displayed. Normally, you should see the unmapped accounts in the list.
You cannot perform an import if unmapped accounts are found in the transactions.