Welcome to the application AFinConnector Odoo - an app for converting your financial data from apaleo to odoo.
You can start with the application right away: https://odoo.afinconnector.com/. First you have to log in into apaleo and after you have to log in into odoo.
After logging in, you must define the mapping among properties/hotels in apaleo and companies in odoo. You can do this in the menu odoo Config.
The next step is to configure the mapping between apaleo and odoo accounts in the Account Mapping Config.
If your properties and accounts are configured, you can export the required financial data from apaleo and import them to odoo. You can start this procedure on the start page.
The conversion logic with some examples is described in Converting apaleo's bookings to odoo.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us using the support button at the top right.
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